Elizabeth Aparicio
Offering the “Right Support” for Young Parents 

Offering the “Right Support” for Young Parents 

Young parents are usually really motivated to access services...it’s our job to make sure the supports are they and they can access them.By Valerie Sedivy, PhD May 18, 2023In a perfect world, Mother’s Day is a celebration of mothers and all that they do. But for...

Dr. Elizabeth Aparicio Awarded the ECPN John Reid Early Career Award

Dr. Elizabeth Aparicio Awarded the ECPN John Reid Early Career Award

EventsJuly 7, 2022The ECPN John B. Reid Early Career Award is presented to an individual early in their career in prevention. This award is bestowed on someone who has shown a commitment to prevention science through outstanding contributions to research, policy, or...

Storms & Blossoms: Navigating Parenting During the Pandemic

Storms & Blossoms: Navigating Parenting During the Pandemic

Stories directly from foster care system alumni about parenting during the pandemic—their challenges, triumphs, and moreBy Elizabeth Aparicio, PhDBy Svetlana Shpiegel, PhDFebruary 10, 2022As we close in on the two-year anniversary since the start of the COVID-19...

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