Bridging the gap between research and practiceWhat It Is From 2020 to 2022, Healthy Teen Network partnered with Child Trends and Chapin Hall to develop and disseminate research-based practice resources for professionals who work with youth. The Activate project was...
Holistic, trauma-informed adolescent pregnancy prevention and sexual health promotion for female youth experiencing homelessness: Initial outcomes of Wahine Talk
ReSHAPINGHolistic, trauma-informed adolescent pregnancy prevention and sexual health promotion for female youth experiencing homelessness: Initial outcomes of Wahine Talk Children and Youth Services Review, December 2019 Elizabeth M. Aparicio, Olivia N....
“Having a Baby Can Wait”: Experiences of a Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion Program in the Context of Homelessness among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander Youth
ReSHAPING“Having a Baby Can Wait”: Experiences of a Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion Program in the Context of Homelessness among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander Youth Captured Through PhotoVoice Qualitative Health Research,...
Just Down the Street: Minor Sex Trafficking
Hidden in Plain Sight: Minor Sex Trafficking in Maryland2017What is sex trafficking? What are some signs sex trafficking is happening? What should you do if you see sex trafficking? Through Healthy Teen Network’s partnership with the University of Maryland School of...
Hidden In Plain Sight: Labor Trafficking
Hidden in Plain Sight: Labor Trafficking in Maryland2017What is labor trafficking? What are some signs labor trafficking is happening? What should you do if you see labor trafficking? Through Healthy Teen Network’s partnership with the University of Maryland School of...
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